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Energy Futures Initiative Foundation: CDR Update

Energy Futures Initiative Foundation: CDR Update

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November 18, 2024

In a recent report by the Energy Futures Initiative Foundation (EFI Foundation), the spotlight shines on CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) technologies that tap into natural sequestration solutions, known as "hybrid CDR", aligning with our shared vision of reshaping the decarbonization landscape in the United States.

Here are the key highlights from the report:

  • Diverse Portfolio: The report identifies a diverse portfolio of hybrid CDR pathways spanning aquatic, land-based, and mineral-based initiatives, encompassing 173 projects across 40 states and Washington, DC. These exciting initiatives, though still in the developmental stages, exhibit promising cost-effectiveness compared to traditional technological methods.
  • Advancements in Policy: Despite the potential of hybrid CDR, the current federal policy framework falls short in its support when compared to technological CDR like (DAC) Direct Air Capture . However, recent bipartisan bills signal a tangible commitment to advancing CDR research and development in the legislative arena, paving the way for impactful change.
  • Nature's Solutions: From the CO2 absorption properties of oceans and freshwater to harnessing photosynthesis and soil formation for carbon capture, the diverse approaches of hybrid aquatic and terrestrial CDR offer additional benefits for agriculture and ecosystems, a testament to the interconnectedness of environmental and agricultural sustainability.
  • Propelling Innovation: As we dive further, we understand the urgent need for increased funding, public trust, and enhanced regulatory frameworks to effectively propel hybrid CDR technologies forward. Recommendations put forward by EFI include establishing research portfolios, boosting funding, and integrating hybrid CDR into governmental initiatives like the DOE’s (Department of Energy) pilot purchase program and the Farm Bill, driving us towards an era of sustainable growth and innovation.

Read the full report by EFI here.

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